Δευτέρα 10 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Credit card report Illinois

credit card report Illinois

Unfortunately, a bad credit report can work against you in your search for employment.

For more on how a credit record can affect credit card report Illinois your job search, see the FTC's fact sheet on this topic, www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/alerts/ngcrdtalrt.htm In addition to your payment history, a credit report typically includes information about your former addresses and previous employers. Employers can use this as one way to verify the accuracy of information you provide on an application or resume. My credit rating went down credit card report Illinois when I lost my job. Often a poor credit rating credit card report Illinois results from circumstances that are beyond your control. The credit card report Illinois loss of a job or high medical bills often leads credit card report Illinois to late payments, even bankruptcy. Still a bank or other financial institution may reason that a solid financial history is a qualifying factor for an employee who has control over substantial sums of money. free credit reports canada However, the same argument cannot be credit card report Illinois made when a credit check serves only as a kind credit card report Illinois of character screening. Some states have now recognized the unfairness in this by adopting laws credit card report Illinois that require a direct relationship credit card report Illinois to the job before a credit check is made.

Several states have passed laws limiting credit card report Illinois credit reports for employment decisions with provisions that require a nexus to actual job credit card report Illinois duties. Those states are: Washington, Oregon,Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland and Connecticut.

In addition,a bill credit card report Illinois captioned the Equal Employment for All Act (HR 3149) is credit card report Illinois making its way through the U.S. card credit report On January 19, 2011, the bill was reintroduced as HR 321 and was referred to the House Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity. Shouldthe Equal Employment for Law Actbecome law, potential employers who want to access an applicant’s credit report would have to show that credit history is related to the open position. To follow the progress of this bill, go to http://thomas.loc.gov/home/thomas.php Can my employer continue to check my credit after I’ve been hired? Yes.

The FCRA allows employment checks not only for hiring purposes but for other employment purposes such as promotion, retention, or transfer.

Credit checks for the purposes of retaining you as an employee allows the employer to check you credit periodically. Once you have given your permission, you generally need not be asked again.

Employers may run periodic checks, for example, as a way to identify credit card report Illinois individuals who have a high debt to salary ratio. To an employer, an employee who is overextended financially may be more prone to stealing from the company. free credit report and Can an employer hold that against me? Yes. The employer might credit card report Illinois be looking for someone who credit card report Illinois has an established record of paying bills on time. The FCRA says only that certain things like negative information more than seven years old cannot be considered. The absence of a credit history can also credit card report Illinois be considered. But if this bit of information means you don't get the job, the employer has to give you an adverse notice decision.

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